By Their Fruits, Ye Shall Know Them

By Their Fruits, Ye Shall Know Them I had a wonderful time with my family the past few weeks. I was blessed with a visit from two daughters who live way too far away, added to my four sons and their families who live...
Do the Next Right Thing

Do the Next Right Thing

It is the nature of progress to make yourself do things you may not want to do. My mom taught me (and enforced it) that I had to do my chores before I could play. As a home maker for 40 years, I have used this principle to get the work done; do the work that I like...
New Ways

New Ways

You don’t think yourself into a new way of doing; you do yourself into a new way of thinking. Gratitude is one of the proofs of this principle. For many years, I have known what to do when I need to pull myself out of a pity party. It is to focus my mind, prayers,...
Weak Week

Weak Week

I’ve been sitting on this couch update for a while, waiting for something new to happen, but there’s only two things to report. One is, I did get out of the hospital on Monday. They kept me in nearly three days because that’s their minimum with a transplant stay. I...
Karma, Chance and Choice

Karma, Chance and Choice

Bad News!! I have been back in the hospital since Friday. It seems to be “neutropenic fever” this time (it just is part of having no immune system after a transplant). The rule is that if I ever get a fever of 100.4 or greater, they put me in the hospital for at least...


Great news!!! I am home from the hospital and went to the clinic today. And I am what they call Engrafted, which means that my white blood cells are multiplying within normal limits. I still have almost all the restrictions that I’ve had since chemotherapy. But I have...