Deep Water Days

A Blog by Tina Litster


I slept in my own bed last night for the first time in two months! It was glorious to be able to lay flat, to fall asleep next to Bill, to get up and make the bed, instead of just fold the blankets, then spend most of the day in the recliner anyway. It feels so good...

What is Multiple Myeloma, Anyway

What is Multiple Myeloma, Anyway

In November I started having pain in my arm, just above the shoulder joint and extending down my arm. Through a quick string of miracles, the doctor shortly discovered a tumor filling in that whole area that had eaten away the bone and grown in...

Faith to be Healed

Faith to be Healed

We had a family and friend fast today. I've been thinking a lot about the faith to be healed and the faith to not be healed. I have pondered these things for many years. I have had instant healing a few times after a priesthood blessing. It is fantastic! And I believe...